donderdag 31 mei 2012

My Photography: children portraits

I really do love photography, but above all, I love taking pictures of children. Catching their glance at the right moment is magic. Children are magic..

I do think my portrait photography of children is getting better and better. I am developping a different technique than before and I quite like it. I am especially fond of the first two pictures.

Sometimes I wish my late father was still here, so that I could show him my work.. who knows, I might have gotten some appreciation? After all, he was a musician, the whole Lichter-'tribe' consists out of artists, photographers and writers, so.. 


This is the same technique, but here I added different color-schemes. Also very likable, don't you agree?

(I love this picture!)

This was not done the same way, but I adore this image. Captured at the right moment with the right shuttertime and the right aperture.. :

Before this, I used another technique. Of course, the result was also not bad. Just different:



 As for my husband.. he also comes from a family of artists. His grandfather was a stonemason and a painter (he still is) and his mother a ceramist. 
What can I say. My husband completes me. To me he is a 'true' artist. He can do anything. Just like that. From paintings, to illustrations, tattoo-art, drawings to murals. A-ny-thing! I am really proud of him.

 Together, the force runs strong in the family.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik vind jou beelden schitterend.De wereld ziet er zoveel interessanter uit door jou lens Uschi :-)Ik zou het super vinden als ik zulke foto's van mijn meiden had en van mijn oma .Ze is 96 en in haar ogen staat veel geschiedenis te lezen die ik in een foto zou willen zien vastliggen .x Sarah

    1. Ik zou zeker en vast eens wat foto's van je oma willen trekken, dat lijkt me enorm boeiend en.. geeft heel veel voldoening. Ook van je meiden. Maar.. is het de Sarah die ik ken of iemand anders, je bericht is nl anoniem..

  2. Je mag me altijd mailen op
